     "The Automindography Of A Promising Idiot" is a good example of a title playing instigator to interpretation. The shortened title, "Promising Idiot," can be interpreted multiple ways. An idiot who promises something and can or cannot keep the promise or an idiot that shows promise......... and therefore isn't one. The goofy smile, close set eyes and busy mind all interact with the title.
    "Promising Idiot" is the first in a group of drawings that have their home in a beautiful one of a kind hand made leather bound book. The book was a gift made by a dear friend. In fact the book was so exquisite a gift as to make putting pen to paper the epitome of inhibition. After years of reasoned procrastination mixed with genuine encouragement by the books creator the inevitable conclusion was reached. Better to put pen to paper than die with a blank book.
    Since the end of the 1970's this leather bound book has been a good companion on many an airplane flight. Most of the drawings have been born thousands of meters in the air.
Promising Idiot
20cm X 18cm, ©1979, ink on paper
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